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    Medical marvels : the 100 greatest advances in medicine / Eugene W. Straus & Alex Straus ; illustrations by Bette Korman.

    • Title:Medical marvels : the 100 greatest advances in medicine / Eugene W. Straus & Alex Straus ; illustrations by Bette Korman.
    • Author/Creator:Straus, Eugene.
    • Other Contributors/Collections:Straus, Alex.
    • Published/Created:Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2006.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Medicine--History.
      Medical innovations--History.
    • Medical Subjects: History of Medicine.
    • Description:425 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:9781591023739 (hardcover : alk. paper)
      1591023734 (hardcover : alk. paper)
    • Contents:1. From abandonment to the idea of healing
      2. doctor-patient relationship
      3. hippocratic corpus
      4. discovery of microscopic life
      5. medical encounter and the history of the present illness
      6. Galenic medicine
      7. On the fabric of the human body / Andreas Vesalius
      8. physical examination
      9. To see for oneself at the autopsy
      10. On the motion of the heart / William Harvey
      11. Diagnostic X-ray examinations
      12. Observations and experiments on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion / William Beaumont
      13. "Nervism" and the integration of the organ systems
      14. "Chemical messengers" and the discovery of hormones
      15. germ theory of disease
      16. Smallpox vaccination
      17. Aspirin
      18. initiation of insulin therapy
      19. Florence Nightingale and modern nursing
      20. development of sewage systems
      21. Public works and health
      22. Paul Ehrlich's "magic bullets"
      23. Eradication of smallpox by the World Health Organization
      24. Gregor Mendel's discovery of genetics
      25. Friedrich Miescher discovers DNA in pus
      26. Oswald Theodore Avery uncovers the function of DNA
      27. structure of DNA is elucidated / James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
      28. genetic code
      29. Tropical medicine
      30. Microscopes
      31. fool of pest
      32. Contraception
      33. George Seldes leads the fight to deal with tobacco-related illness
      34. Penicillin
      35. development of surgical anesthesia
      36. Blood transfusion
      37. Modern surgical techniques
      38. control of polio
      39. Cardiac catheterization and related techniques
      40. Cholesterol and the metabolic basis of cardiovascular disease
      41. Lab rats tango in the Bronx - the development of radioimmunoassay
      42. discovery of viruses
      43. Retroviruses and oncogenes
      44. Koch's postulates
      45. Victory at C and the concept of vitamins
      46. Carbolic acid wound dressing
      47. Dentistry
      48. relaxing factor that led to viagra
      49. Advanced imaging techniques
      50. Immunological tolerance and rejection
      51. Solid organ transplantation
      52. Kidney transplantation
      53. Liver transplantation
      54. Heart transplantation
      55. Bone marrow transplantation
      56. Ancient and early surgery
      57. development of medical subspecialties
      58. development of surgical subspecialties
      59. Minimally invasive surgery
      60. Birthing care
      61. Hospitals
      62. Coronary care and other intensive care units
      63. Streptomycin and control of tuberculosis
      64. Digitalis
      65. pneumococcus from hell and understanding antibiotic resistance
      66. development of antiviral drugs and cures for childhood leukemia
      67. Chemotherapy for malignant disease
      68. Therapeutic radiation
      69. Rita Levi-Montalcini discovers nerve growth factor
      70. Hemodialysis
      71. Restoration of vision with cataract and retinal surgery
      72. Understanding retroviruses and the treatment of AIDS
      73. polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
      74. human genome project
      75. Gene therapy
      76. electrocardiogram
      77. Mitochondrial function and disease
      78. Freud and the realization of the unconscious mind
      79. Group and family therapy
      80. Twelve-step programs and the treatment of addictive behavior
      81. Methadone maintenance treatment
      82. Treatment of schizophrenia
      83. Treatment of depression
      84. Introduction to the study of experimental medicine / Claude Bernard / The Protection of Experimental Subjects
      85. Tissue culture
      86. Understanding alcohol and health
      87. Preprofessional healthcare and the development of fee-for-service
      88. Socialized medicine
      89. Single-payer systems
      90. fight to open medicine to women and minorities
      91. Health maintenance organizations
      92. Preventive medicine
      93. Refuse disposal
      94. Recalled to life by physical and occupational therapy
      95. molecular biology of learning and memory
      96. Neonatology and gerontology
      97. In vitro fertilization and blastocyst selection
      98. Stem cells and regenerative medicine
      99. Prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials
      100. Patient advocacy.
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