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    Medical neurobiology / Peggy Mason.

    • Title:Medical neurobiology / Peggy Mason.
    • Author/Creator:Mason, Peggy (Neurobiologist)
    • Published/Created:New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Neurobiology.
    • Medical Subjects: Nervous System Physiological Phenomena.
      Nervous System Diseases.
    • Description:665 pages : ill ; 29 cm.
    • Summary:This single-author text introduces the student to the fundamentals of the nervous system as it relates to the practice of medicine and human health. The workings of the nervous system are communicated in easy to understand language. The text emphasizes the contribution of the nervous system to diverse and common medical disorders, some of which are primarily neurological in nature (stroke, Parkinson's disease, hearing loss) and many of which are the domain of non-neurological specialities such as ophthalmology, ear-nose-throat, cardiology, medicine and the like (myopia, hearing loss, hypertension, sleep apnea, and asthma). The writing style is simple, clear and literary. Chapters can be read in a single sitting. Important concepts are presented both clearly and thoroughly, rendering this textbook appropriate for both the student who is learning about the nervous system for the first time and the student with previous knowledge of neurobiology. Subjects without clinical relevance such as invertebrate neurobiology, cat or leech locomotion, or sound localization are not covered. On the other hand, subjects with significant clinical relevance such as walking, making facial expressions, cranial nerve functions, breathing, hearing and seeing are covered in depth. In essence, rather than teach either basic neurobiology or neurology, this book aims to communicate the relevance of the nervous system to the practice of every medical specialty from cardiology to dermatology, neonatology, pediatrics, geriatrics, pulmonology, ophthalmology, and so on.
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:9780195339970 (alk. paper)
      0195339975 (alk. paper)
    • Contents:Introduction to the nervous system
      Cells of the nervous system: neurons and glia
      Developmental overview of neuroanatomy: the tube within the brain
      Neural communication
      Neuron at rest
      Electrical communication within a neuron
      Neurotransmitter release
      Synthesis, packaging, and termination of neurotransmitters
      Receiving the synaptic message
      Spinal cord: conduit between body and brain
      Cranial nerves: brain sentries
      Brainstem organization
      Inside the brainstem: cranial nerve nuclei and long-distance connections
      Forebrain: action, perception, emotion, thought
      Following the nutrients: blood supply, blood-brain barrier, and ventricles
      Perceiving the world
      Seeing the world
      Audition: communciation portal
      Somatosensation: focus on pain
      Vestibular sense: balance and equilibrium
      Motor control
      Motor unit and orderly recruitment
      Reflexes and gait
      From movement to action: postural stability, orienting, and praxis
      Basal ganglia: action selection
      Gaze control
      Homeostatic systems: staying alive
      You and the brain
      Brain in a physician's life.
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