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    Hellenica : selected papers on Greek literature and thought / M.L. West.

    • Title:Hellenica : selected papers on Greek literature and thought / M.L. West.
    • Author/Creator:West, M. L. (Martin Litchfield), 1937-2015.
    • Published/Created:Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011-
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Greek literature--History and criticism.
      Epic poetry, Greek--History and criticism.
    • Description:volumes ; 22 cm.
    • Summary:"Martin West is known internationally as one of the outstanding Classical scholars of our time, and one of the most prolific. 'Hellenica' is a three-volume selection of ninety or so of his most notable papers relating to Greek literature and thought. This first volume contains thirty essays, including two previously unpublished. It is devoted to early epic, from its Mycenaean and pre-Mycenaean roots to its later manifestations in the Homeric Hymns and the poetry ascribed to Eumelus of Corinth. There are pieces on the myths of Helen and the Trojan War, on the transition from oral to written epic, and on the relationship of the 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey' to other lost poems. Spanning forty years of scholarship, the collection as a whole presents a powerful and coherent individual vision of the emergence of heroic epic in the archaic age of Greece. The second and third volumes, to appear at yearly intervals, will contain papers on the lyric poets, tragedy, philosophy, music, metre, and other miscellaneous topics. Each volume will contain a preface, indexes, and a full list of the author's other writings relating to the areas in question"--Publisher's description, p. [4] of dust jacket of vol. 1.
    • Notes:"The intention is to produce three volumes over a period of two or three years. This first one is devoted to epic. The second one will be devoted to lyric poetry (including elegy and iambus) and drama. The third will contain papers on philosophy (mainly cosmology), music, metre, abd miscellaneous other topics"--Preface, page [v].
      v. 1. Epic.
      Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:9780199605019 (v. 1)
      0199605017 (v. 1)
    • Contents:Machine generated contents note: 1. Greek Poetry 2000-700 bc
      2. Curtains in the Wind: Three Reviews
      3. Unrecognized Injunctive Usage in Greek
      4. Rise of the Greek Epic
      5. Descent of the Greek Epic: A Reply
      6. Immortal Helen
      7. History and Prehistory: The Troy Saga
      8. Phasis and Aia
      9. Orpheus and the Argonauts
      10. Grated Cheese Fit for Heroes
      11. Singing of Homer
      12. Hesiod's Titans
      13. Is the Works and Days an Oral Poem?
      14. Transition from Oral to Written
      15. On Editing Homer
      16. Book Division (Martin and Stephanie West)
      17. Date of the Iliad
      18. Echoes of Hesiod and Elegy in the Iliad
      19. Achaean Wall
      20. Iliad and Aethiopis
      21. Gardens of Alcinous and the Oral Dictated Text Theory
      22. Odyssey and Argonautica
      23. Fragmentary Homeric Hymn to Dionysus
      24. Cynaethus' Hymn to Apollo
      25. Magnes of Smyrna: A Greek Poet at the Court of Gyges
      26. `Eumelos': A Corinthian Epic Cycle?
      27. View from Lesbos
      28. Invention of Homer
      Supplementary List of Publications Relating to Epic
      1. Greek Words and Forms
      2. Passages.
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