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    Engineering design / George E . Dieter, Linda C . Schmidt.

    • Title:Engineering design / George E . Dieter, Linda C . Schmidt.
    • Author/Creator:Dieter, George E., 1928-
    • Other Contributors/Collections:Schmidt, Linda C.
    • Published/Created:New York : McGraw-Hill, ©2013.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Engineering design.
    • Medical Subjects: Engineering.
    • Edition:5th ed.
    • Description:1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 24 cm.
    • Summary:Dieter's Engineering Design represents a major update of this classic textbook for senior design courses. As in previous editions, Engineering Design provides a broader overview of topics than most design texts and contains much more prescriptive guidance on how to carry out design. Dieter focuses on material selection as well as how to implement the design process. Engineering Design provides the senior mechanical engineering students with a realistic understanding of the design process. It is written from the viewpoint that design is the central activity of the engineering profession, and it is more concerned with developing attitudes and approaches than in presenting design techniques and tools -- Publisher's description.
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    • ISBN:9780073398143 (acid-free paper)
    • Contents:Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 Engineering Design
      1.1. Introduction
      1.2. Engineering Design Process
      1.3. Ways to Think about the Engineering Design Process
      1.4. Description of Design Process
      1.5. Considerations of a Good Design
      1.6. Computer-Aided Engineering
      1.7. Designing to Codes and Standards
      1.8. Design Review
      1.9. Societal Considerations in Engineering Design
      1.10. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 2 Product Development Process
      2.1. Introduction
      2.2. Product Development Process
      2.3. Product and Process Cycles
      2.4. Organization for Design and Product Development
      2.5. Markets and Marketing
      2.6. Technological Innovation
      2.7. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 3 Problem Definition and Need Identification
      3.1. Introduction
      3.2. Identifying Customer Needs
      3.3. Customer Requirements
      3.4. Gathering Information on Existing Products
      3.5. Establishing the Engineering Characteristics
      3.6. Quality Function Deployment
      3.7. Product Design Specification
      3.8. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 4 Team Behavior and Tools
      4.1. Introduction
      4.2. What It Means to be an Effective Team Member
      4.3. Team Leadership Roles
      4.4. Team Dynamics
      4.5. Effective Team Meetings
      4.6. Problem-Solving Tools
      4.7. Time Management
      4.8. Planning and Scheduling
      4.9. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 5 Gathering Information
      5.1. Information Challenge
      5.2. Types of Design Information
      5.3. Sources of Design Information
      5.4. Library Sources of Information
      5.5. Government Sources of Information
      5.6. Information From the Internet
      5.7. Professional Societies and Trade Associations
      5.8. Codes and Standards
      5.9. Patents and Other Intellectual Property
      5.10. Company-Centered Information
      5.11. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 6 Concept Generation
      6.1. Introduction to Creative Thinking
      6.2. Creativity and Problem Solving
      6.3. Creative Thinking Methods
      6.4. Creative Methods for Design
      6.5. Functional Decomposition and Synthesis
      6.6. Morphological Methods
      6.7. TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
      6.8. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 7 Decision Making and Concept Selection
      7.1. Introduction
      7.2. Decision Making
      7.3. Evaluation Processes
      7.4. Using Models in Evaluation
      7.5. Pugh Chart
      7.6. Weighted Decision Matrix
      7.7. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
      7.8. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 8 Embodiment Design
      8.1. Introduction
      8.2. Product Architecture
      8.3. Steps in Developing Product Architecture
      8.4. Configuration Design
      8.5. Best Practices for Configuration Design
      8.6. Parametric Design
      8.7. Dimensions and Tolerances
      8.8. Industrial Design
      8.9. Human Factors Design
      8.10. Life-Cycle Design
      8.11. Prototyping and Testing
      8.12. Design for X (DFX)
      8.13. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 9 Detail Design
      9.1. Introduction
      9.2. Activities and Decisions in Detail Design
      9.3. Communicating Design and Manufacturing Information
      9.4. Final Design Review
      9.5. Design and Business Activities Beyond Detail Design
      9.6. Facilitating Design and Manufacturing with Computer-Based Methods
      9.7. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 10 Design for Sustainability and the Environment
      10.1. Environmental Movement
      10.2. Sustainabilty
      10.3. Challenges of Sustainability for Business
      10.4. End-Of-Life Product Transformations
      10.5. Role of Material Selection in Design for Environment
      10.6. Tools to Aid Design for the Environment and Sustainability
      10.7. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 11 Materials Selection
      11.1. Introduction
      11.2. Performance Requirements of Materials
      11.3. Materials Selection Process
      11.4. Sources of Information on Material Properties
      11.5. Cost of Materials
      11.6. Overview of Methods of Materials Selection
      11.7. Material Performance Indices
      11.8. Materials Selection with Decision Matrices
      11.9. Selection with Computer-Aided Databases
      11.10. Design Examples
      11.11. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 12 Design with Materials
      12.1. Introduction
      12.2. Design for Brittle Fracture
      12.3. Design for Fatigue Failure
      12.4. Design for Corrosion Resistance
      12.5. Design Against Wear
      12.6. Design with Plastics
      12.7. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 13 Design for Manufacturing
      13.1. Role of Manufacturing in Design
      13.2. Manufacturing Functions
      13.3. Classification of Manufacturing Processes
      13.4. Manufacturing Process Selection
      13.5. Design for Manufacture (DFM)
      13.6. Design for Assembly (DFA)
      13.7. Role of Standardization in DFMA
      13.8. Mistake-Proofing
      13.9. Early Estimation of Manufacturing Cost
      13.10. Process Specific DFMA Guidelines
      13.11. Design of Castings
      13.12. Design of Forgings
      13.13. Design for Sheet-Metal Forming
      13.14. Design for Machining
      13.15. Design of Welding
      13.16. Residual Stresses in Design
      13.17. Design for Heat Treatment
      13.18. Design for Plastics Processing
      13.19. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 14 Risk, Reliability, and Safety
      14.1. Introduction
      14.2. Probabilistic Approach to Design
      14.3. Reliability Theory
      14.4. Design for Reliability
      14.5. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
      14.6. Fault Tree Analysis
      14.7. Defects and Failure Modes
      14.8. Design for Safety
      14.9. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 15 Quality, Robust Design, and Optimization
      15.1. Concept of Total Quality
      15.2. Quality Control and Assurance
      15.3. Statistical Process Control
      15.4. Quality Improvement
      15.5. Process Capability
      15.6. Taguchi Method
      15.7. Robust Design
      15.8. Optimization Methods
      15.9. Design Optimization
      15.10. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 16 Economic Decision Making
      16.1. Introduction
      16.2. Mathematics of Time Value of Money
      16.3. Cost Comparison
      16.4. Depreciation
      16.5. Taxes
      16.6. Profitability of Investments
      16.7. Other Aspects of Profitability
      16.8. Inflation
      16.9. Sensitivity and Break-Even Analysis
      16.10. Uncertainty in Economic Analysis
      16.11. Benefit-Cost Analysis
      16.12. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 17 Cost Evaluation
      17.1. Introduction
      17.2. Categories of Costs
      17.3. Cost of Ownership
      17.4. Manufacturing Cost
      17.5. Overhead Cost
      17.6. Activity-Based Costing
      17.7. Methods of Developing Cost Estimates
      17.8. Make-Buy Decision
      17.9. Product Profit Model
      17.10. Refinements to Cost Analysis Methods
      17.11. Cost of Quality
      17.12. Design to Cost
      17.13. Value Analysis in Costing
      17.14. Manufacturing Cost Models
      17.15. Life Cycle Costing
      17.16. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises
      ch. 18 Legal and Ethical Issues in Engineering Design (see
      18.1. Introduction
      18.2. Origin of Laws
      18.3. Contracts
      18.4. Liability
      18.5. Tort Law
      18.6. Product Liability
      18.7. Protecting Intellectual Property
      18.8. Legal and Ethical Domains
      18.9. Codes of Ethics
      18.10. Solving Ethical Conflicts
      18.11. Summary
      New Terms and Concepts
      Problems and Exercises.
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