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    On fracking / C. Alexia Lane.

    • Title:On fracking / C. Alexia Lane.
    • Author/Creator:Lane, C. Alexia, author.
    • Published/Created:[Surrey, BC] : Rocky Mountain Books, 2013.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Hydraulic fracturing--Environmental aspects.
    • Description:127 pages ; 19 cm
    • Series:RMB manifesto series.
    • Summary:Around the world, a significant shift from conventional to unconventional energy extraction is occurring like never before. As traditional energy sources dwindle and the demand for fossil fuels continues to increase, civilization seems to be taking greater and greater risks in order to fuel our consumption and over-use of this planet's natural resources. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", has emerged as a lightning rod of controversy as engaged citizens grow more and more concerned with the threats facing fresh water resources, local geology and sensitive landscapes. C. Alexia Lane's first RMB Manifesto introduces readers to the practice of "fracking" and makes it clear that there is an urgent need for current policies to be reformed in order to alleviate ever-growing community, ecological and environmental concerns.
    • Additional formats:Issued also in electronic format.
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references: page 115-127.
    • ISBN:9781927330807 (bound)
      1927330807 (bound)
      9781927330814 (html)
      1927330815 (html)
      9781927330821 (pdf)
      1927330823 (pdf)
    • Contents:Machine generated contents note: That Was Then ...
      This Is Now ...
      Wild Wests: Governance of Water and Energy in North America
      Environmental and Health Concerns
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