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    Millionaire teacher : the nine rules of wealth you should have learned in school / Andrew Hallam.

    • Title:Millionaire teacher : the nine rules of wealth you should have learned in school / Andrew Hallam.
    • Author/Creator:Hallam, Andrew (Teacher), author.
    • Published/Created:Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, [2017]
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Investments.
      Finance, Personal.
    • Edition:Second edition.
    • Description:xiii, 238 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
    • Summary:"Adopt the investment strategy that turned a school teacher into a millionaire Millionaire Teacher shows you how to achieve financial independence through smart investing -- without being a financial wizard. Author Andrew Hallam was a high school English teacher. He became a debt-free millionaire by following a few simple rules. In this book, he teaches you the financial fundamentals you need to follow in his tracks. You can spend just an hour per year on your investments, never think about the stock market's direction -- and still beat most professional investors. It's not about get-rich-quick schemes or trendy investment products peddled by an ever-widening, self-serving industry; it's about your money and your future. This new second edition features updated discussion on passive investing, studies on dollar cost averaging versus lump sum investing, and a detailed segment on RoboAdvisors for Americans, Canadians, Australians, Singaporeans and British investors. Financial literacy is rarely taught in schools. Were you shortchanged by your education system? This book is your solution, teaching you the ABCs of finance to help you build wealth. Gain the financial literacy to make smart investment decisions Learn why you should invest in index funds Find out how to find the right kind of financial advisor Avoid scams and flash-in-the-pan trends Millionaire Teacher shows how to build a strong financial future today." --
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:9781119356295 (paperback)
      1119356296 (paperback)
    • Contents:Rule 1: Spend like you want to grow rich
      The Hippocratic rule of wealth
      Can you see the road when you're driving?
      One of the savviest guys I ever met - and his view on buying cars
      Careful home purchases
      Millionaire handouts
      How did I become a millionaire?
      Looking to the future
      Rule 2: Use the greatest investment ally you have
      Compound interest - the world's most powerful financial concept
      The Bohemian millionaire - the best of historical-based fiction
      Gifting money to yourself
      When you definitely shouldn't invest
      How and why stocks rise in value
      Rule 3: Small fees pack big punches
      With training, the average fifth grader can take on Wall Street
      Financial experts backing the irrefutable
      What causes experts to shake their heads
      When the best funds turn malignant
      Reality check
      When best mutual fund lists can strip you naked
      What's under the hood of an index fund?
      Captain America calls for government action
      Who's arguing against indexes
      Rule 4: Conquer the enemy in the mirror
      When a 10 percent gain isn't a 10 percent gain
      Are index fund investors smarter?
      It's not timing the market that matters; it's time in the market
      On stocks...what you really should have learned in school
      Internet madness and the damage it caused
      Taking advantage of fear and greed
      Young people should salivate when stocks sputter
      Opportunities after chaos
      Rule 5: Build mountains of money with a responsible portfolio
      What are bonds?
      Profiting from panic - stock market crash, 2008-2009
      Having a foreign affair
      Introducing the couch potato portfolio
      Combinations of stocks and bonds can have powerful returns
      Rule 6: Sample "Round-the-world" ticket to indexing
      What's the difference between an index fund and an ETF?
      Indexing in the United States - an American father of triplets
      Indexing in Canada
      A Canadian couch potato strips down costs
      Indexing in Great Britain
      Indexing in Australia - winning with an American weapon
      Indexing in Singapore
      The next step
      Rule 7: No, you don't have to invest on your own
      Are you wired like a Buddha?
      How does the average index investor underperform the index?
      Intelligent investing for Americans
      Intelligent investing firms for Canadians
      Intelligent investing firms for British investors
      Intelligent investing firms for Australians
      Intelligent investing firms in Singapore
      Don't ask about another lover
      Rule 8: Peek inside a pilferer's playbook
      How will most financial advisors fight you?
      The totem pole view
      Is government action required?
      Rule 9: Avoid seduction
      Confession time
      Investment newsletters and their track records
      High-yielding bonds called "junk"
      Fast-growing markets can make bad investments
      Gold isn't an investment
      What you need to know about investment magazines
      Hedge funds - the rich stealing from the rich
      Don't buy currency-hedged stock market ETF
      Beware of the smart beta promise
      Don't jump heavily into small-cap stocks.
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