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    Religion, liberty and the jurisdictional limits of law / general editors, Iain T. Benson and Barry W. Bussey.

    • Title:Religion, liberty and the jurisdictional limits of law / general editors, Iain T. Benson and Barry W. Bussey.
    • Other Contributors/Collections:Benson, Iain T., editor.
      Bussey, Barry W., 1965- editor.
    • Published/Created:Toronto, Ontario : LexisNexis, 2017.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Freedom of religion--Canada.
      Religion and law--Canada.
      Freedom of religion.
      Religion and law.
    • Description:lxv, 430 pages ; 23 cm
    • Notes:Includes table of cases.
      Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:0433495626 paperback
      9780433495628 paperback
    • Contents:Part I. Religion in liberal thought
      Should there be a legal presumption in favour of diversity? Some preliminary reflections / Iain T. Benson
      Liberal pluralism and the challenge of religious diversity / Peter D. Lauwers
      Constitutional principles as state territory / Paul B. Cliteur
      Part II. Religious freedom of religious organizations
      The challenge and promise of religious associations to liberal democratic order / John von Heyking
      The social ontology of religious freedom / Víctor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli
      Religious organizations' right to autonomy and collisions with other fundamental rights : an international human rights law analysis / Jeroen Temperman
      The requirement of religious neutrality : civic action and institutional autonomy / Richard Moon
      Part III. Private choices, public consequences
      Conceiving freedom of religion in terms of obedience to conscience / Ian Leigh
      Should conscience be a proxy for religion in some cases? / Richard Haigh
      When law, religion and family meet : private choices, religious neutrality and the liberal state / Anat Scolnicov
      Part IV. The clash of rights
      Judicial method on rights conflicts in the context of religious identity / Dwight Newman
      Competing rights under the Canadian Charter : are some issues more equal than others? / Janet Epp Buckingham
      Freedom of religion, competing rights and spatial priority presumptions / Alvin A.J. Esau
      Religion and the clash of rights in the United Kingdom / Frank Cranmer
      Part V. Equality and religious freedom
      Resolving equality uncertainty : adverse-effects claims and conflicts between equality-seeking claimants / Eugene Meehan, Marie-France Major and Thomas Slade
      The Charter is not a blueprint for moral conformity / Barry W. Bussey.
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