Holdings Information
Plain English for lawyers / Richard C. Wydick.
Bibliographic Record Display
Title:Plain English for lawyers / Richard C. Wydick.
Author/Creator:Wydick, Richard C.
Published/Created:Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, ©2005.
Holdings Record Display
Location:LAW LIBRARY (level 3)Where is this?
Call Number: KF250 .W9 2005 (LC)
Number of Items:1
Location:LAW LIBRARY (level 3)Where is this?
Library of Congress Subjects:Legal composition.
Edition:5th ed.
Description:xii, 139 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN:1594601518 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Contents:Ch. 1. Why plain English?
Ch. 2. Omit surplus words
Ch. 3. Use base verbs, not nominalizations
Ch. 4. Prefer the active voice
Ch. 5. Use short sentences
Ch. 6. Arrange your words with care
Ch. 7. Choose your words with care
Ch. 8. Avoid language quirks
Ch. 9. Punctuate carefully.