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    Wong's nursing care of infants and children / [edited by] Marilyn J. Hockenberry, David Wilson.

    • Title:Wong's nursing care of infants and children / [edited by] Marilyn J. Hockenberry, David Wilson.
    • Variant Title:Nursing care of infants and children
    • Other Contributors/Collections:Wong, Donna L., 1948-2008.
      Hockenberry, Marilyn J.
      Wilson, David, 1950 August 25-2015.
    • Published/Created:St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier/Mosby, ©2011.
    • Holdings

    • Library of Congress Subjects:Pediatric nursing.
    • Medical Subjects: Pediatric Nursing.
      Child Care.
      Infant Care.
    • Edition:9th ed.
    • Description:xxix, 1,809 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm.
    • Summary:Features a unique "age and stage" approach that covers child development and health promotion as well as specific health problems organized by age-groups and body systems. This edition focuses on patient-centered outcomes and includes updates on current topics such as the late-preterm infant, immunizations, the H1N1 virus, and childhood obesity.
    • Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • ISBN:9780323069120 (hardcover : alk. paper)
      0323069126 (hardcover : alk. paper)
    • Contents:Unit I. Children, their families, and the nurse. 1. Perspectives of pediatric nursing / Marilyn J. Hockenberry and Patrick Barrera : Health care for children ; Health promotion ; Childhood health problems ; Mortality ; Morbidity ; Evolution of child health care in the United States ; The art of pediatric nursing ; Philosophy of care ; Role of the pediatric nurse ; Critical thinking and the process of providing nursing care to children and families ; Critical thinking ; Evidence-based practice ; Nursing process ; Quality outcome measures
      2. Social, cultural, and religious influences on child health promotion / Annaka G. Thibodeaux and Kim Mooney-Doyle : Culture ; The child and family in North America ; Social roles ; Cultural shock and cultural competence ; Subcultural influences ; Ethnicity ; Minority-group membership ; Socioeconomic class ; Schools ; Communities ; Peer cultures ; Biculture ; Mass media ; Socioeconomic influences ; Poverty ; Homelessness ; Migrant families ; Cultural influences ; Cultural relativity ; Relationships with health care providers ; Food customs ; Health beliefs and practices ; Health beliefs ; Health practices ; Importance of cultural competence to nurses ; Cultural awareness ; Hereditary factors ; Physical characteristics ; Religious influences ; Religious beliefs
      3. Family influences on child health promotion / Marilyn J. Hockenberry : General concepts ; Definition of family ; Family theories ; Family nursing interventions ; Family structure and function ; Family structure ; Family strengths and functioning style ; Family roles and relationships ; Parental roles ; Role learning ; Family size and configuration ; Sibling interactions ; Ordinal position ; Multiple births ; Parenting ; Motivation for parenthood ; Preparation for parenthood ; Transition to parenthood ; Parenting behaviors ; Limit setting and discipline ; Special parenting situations ; Parenting the adopted child ; Parenting and divorce ; Single parenting ; Parenting in reconstituted families ; Parenting in dual-earner families ; Foster parenting ; Accommodating contemporary parenting situations
      4. Community-based nursing care of the child and family / Christine A. Brosnan and Sandra L. Upchurch : Community health concepts ; Community ; Demography ; Epidemiology ; Economics ; Community nursing process ; Community needs assessment ; Community planning ; Community implementation ; Community evaluation
      5. Hereditary influences on health promotion of the child and family / Cynthia A. Prows : Genetic influences on health ; Heredity and environment in human disease ; Congenital anomalies ; Genetic disorders ; Single-gene disorders ; Variable patterns of gene expression and inheritance ; Mitochondrial disorders ; Hereditary cancer predisposition genes ; Multifactorial (complex) disorders ; Disorders of the intrauterine environment ; Cytogenetic diagnostic techniques ; Molecular diagnostic techniques ; Predisposition genetic testing ; Therapeutic management of genetic disease ; Impact of hereditary disorders on the family ; Genetic testing ; Prenatal testing ; Genetic evaluation and counseling ; Role of nurses in genetics. Unit II. Assessment of the child and family. 6. Communication and physical assessment of the child / Marilyn J. Hockenberry : Guidelines for communication and interviewing ; Establishing a setting for communication ; Computer privacy and applications in nursing ; Telephone triage and counseling ; Communicating with families ; Communicating with parents ; Communicating with children ; Communication techniques ; History taking ; Performing a health history ; Nutritional assessment ; Dietary intake ; Clinical examination of nutrition ; Evaluation of nutritional assessment ; General approaches toward examining the child ; Sequence of the examination ; Preparation of the child ; Physical examination ; Growth measurements ; Physiologic measurements ; General appearance ; Skin ; Lymph nodes ; Head and neck ; Eyes ; Ears ; Nose ; Mouth and throat ; Chest ; Lungs ; Heart ; Abdomen ; Genitalia ; Anus ; Back and extremities ; Neurologic assessment
      7. Pain assessment and management in children / Eufemia Jacob : Pain assessment ; Assessment of acute pain ; Assessment of chronic and recurrent pain ; Multidimensional measures ; Assessment of pain in specific populations ; Pain in neonates ; Children with communication and cognitive impairment ; Cultural differences ; Children with chronic illness and complex pain ; Pain management ; Nonpharmacologic management ; Complementary pain medicine ; Pharmacologic management ; Consequences of untreated pain in infants ; Common pain states in children ; Painful and invasive procedures ; Postoperative pain ; Burn pain ; Recurrent headaches in children ; Recurrent abdominal pain in children ; Pain in children with sickle cell disease ; Cancer pain in children ; Pain and sedation in end-of-life care. Unit III. Family-centered care of the newborn. 8. Health promotion of the newborn and family / Barbara J. Wheeler : Adjustment to extrauterine life ; Immediate adjustments ; Physiologic status of other systems ; Nursing care of the newborn and family ; Assessment ; Maintain a patent airway ; Maintain a stable body temperature ; Protect from infection and injury ; Provide optimum nutrition ; Promote parent-infant bonding (attachment) ; Prepare for discharge and home care
      9. Health problems of the newborn / David Wilson : Birth injuries ; Soft tissue injury ; Head trauma ; Fractures ; Paralyses ; Dermatologic problems in the newborn ; Erythema toxicum neonatorum ; Candidiasis ; Herpes ; Bullous impetigo ; Birthmarks ; Problems related to physiologic factors ; Hyperbilirubinemia ; Hemolytic disease of the newborn ; Hypoglycemia ; Hyperglycemia ; Hypocalcemia ; Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn ; Inborn errors of metabolism ; Phenylketonuria ; Galactosemia ; Congenital hypothyroidism ; Problems caused by perinatal environmental factors ; Chemical agents ; Radiation
      10. The high-risk newborn and family / Debbie Fraser Askin and David Wilson : General management of high-risk newborns ; Identification of high-risk newborns ; Intensive care facilities ; Nursing care of high-risk newborns ; Assessment ; Monitoring physiologic data ; High-risk conditions related to dysmaturity ; Preterm infants ; Postterm infants ; High risk related to disturbed respiratory function ; Apnea of prematurity ; Respiratory distress syndrome ; Meconium aspiration syndrome ; Air leak syndromes ; Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn ; Bronchopulmonary dysplasia ; High risk related to infectious processes ; Sepsis ; Necrotizing enterocolitis ; High risk related to cardiovascular and hematologic complications ; Patent ductus arteriosus ; Anemia ; Polycythemia ; Retinopathy of prematurity ; High risk related to neurologic disturbance ; Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury ; Intraventricular hemorrhage ; Intracranial hemorrhage ; Neonatal/perinatal stroke ; Neonatal seizures ; High risk related to maternal conditions ; Infants of diabetic mothers ; Drug-exposed infants ; Maternal infections
      11. Conditions caused by defects in physical development / David Wilson, Barbara Montagnino, and Kristina Wilson : Defects in physical development ; Prenatal development ; Birth of a child with a physical defect ; Parental responses ; Nursing care of the surgical neonate ; Preoperative care ; Postoperative care ; Malformations of the central nervous system ; Defects of neural tube closure ; Anencephaly ; Spina bifida and myelodysplasia ; Myelomeningocele (meningomyelocele) ; Latex allergy ; Hydrocephalus ; Cranial deformities ; Microcephaly ; Craniostenosis ; Craniofacial abnormalities ; Pierre Robin sequence ; Positional plagiocephaly ; Skeletal defects ; Developmental dysplasia of the hip ; Congenital clubfoot ; Metatarsus adductus and metatarsus varus ; Skeletal limb deficiency ; Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract ; Cleft lip and cleft palate ; Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula ; Anorectal malformations ; Biliary atresia ; Abdominal wall defects ; Hernias ; Congenital diaphragmatic hernia ; Umbilical hernia ; Inguinal hernia ; Femoral hernia ; Defects of the genitourinary tract ; Phimosis ; Hydrocele ; Cryptorchidism (cryptorchism) ; Hypospadias ; Surgical correction ; Epispadias and exstrophy complex ; Obstructive uropathy ; Disorders of sex development (ambiguous genitalia) ; Types of abnormalities. Unit IV. Family-centered care of the infant. 12. Health promotion of the infant and family / David Wilson : Promoting optimum growth and development ; Biologic development ; Psychosocial development ; Cognitive development ; Development of body image ; Development of gender identity ; Social development ; Temperament ; Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development ; Promoting optimum health during infancy ; Nutrition ; Sleep and activity ; Dental health ; Immunizations ; Injury prevention ; Anticipatory guidance, care of families
      13. Health problems during infancy / David Wilson : Nutritional disturbances ; VItamin disturbances ; Complementary and alternative medicine ; Mineral disturbances ; Vegetarian diets ; Nursing care management ; Protein-energy malnutrition (severe childhood undernutrition) ; Food sensitivity ; Conditions related to feeding ; Improper feeding technique ; Regurgitation and "spitting up" ; Colic (paroxysmal abdominal pain) ; Growth failure (failure to thrive) ; Skin disorders ; Diaper dermatitis ; Seborrheic dermatitis ; Atopic dermatitis (eczema) ; DIsorders of unknown etiology ; Sudden infant death syndrome ; Apnea and apparent life threatening events. Unit V. Family-centered care of the young child. 14. Health promotion of the toddler and family / David Wilson : Promoting optimum growth and development ; Biologic development ; Psychosocial development ; Cognitive development ; Moral development: preconventional or premoral level ; Spiritual development ; Development of body image ; Development of gender identity ; Social development ; Toys ; Temperament ; Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development ; Toilet training ; Sibling rivalry ; Temper tantrums ; Negativism ; Stress ; Promoting optimum health during toddlerhood ; Nutrition ; Sleep and activity ; Dental health ; Injury prevention ; Anticipatory guidance, care of families
      15. Health promotion of the preschooler and family / Rebecca A. Monroe : Promoting optimum growth and development ; Biologic development ; Psychosocial development ; Cognitive development ; Moral development (Kohlberg) ; Spiritual development ; Development of body image ; Development of sexuality ; Social development ; Temperament ; Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development ; Promoting optimum health during the preschool years ; Nutrition ; Sleep and activity ; Dental health ; Injury prevention ; Anticipatory guidance, care of families
      16. Health problems of early childhood / Marilyn J. Hockenberry and Lisa Creamer : Infectious disorders ; Communicable diseases ; Conjunctivitis ; Stomatitis ; Intestinal parasitic diseases ; Giardiasis ; Enterobiasis (pinworms) ; Ingestion of injurious agents ; Principles of emergency treatment ; Heavy metal poisoning ; Lead poisoning ; Child maltreatment ; Child neglect ; Physical abuse ; Sexual abuse ; Nursing care of the maltreated child. Unit VI. Family-centered care of the school-age child. 17. Health promotion of the school-age child and family / Cheryl C. Rodgers : Promoting optimum growth and development ; Biologic development ; Psychosocial development ; Temperament ; Cognitive development ; Moral development (Kohlberg) ; Spiritual development ; Language development ; Social development ; Development of self-concept ; Development of sexuality ; Play ; Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development ; School experience ; Discipline ; Coping with stress ; Promoting optimum health during the school years ; Health behaviors ; Nutrition ; Sleep and rest ; Physical activity ; Dental health ; School health ; Injury prevention ; Anticipatory guidance, care of families
      18. Health problems of middle childhood / Shannon McCord : Disorders affecting the skin ; Skin lesions ; Wounds ; General therapeutic management ; Nursing care of the child with a skin disorder ; Infections of the skin ; Bacterial infections ; Viral infections ; Dermatophytoses (fungal infections) ; Scabies ; Pediculosis capitis ; Systemic disorders related to skin lesions ; Systemic myotic (fungal) inifections ; Rickettsial infections ; Lyme disease ; Cat scratch disease ; Skin disorders related to chemical or physical contacts ; Contact dermatitis ; Poison ivy, oak, and sumac ; Foreign bodies ; Sunburn ; Cold injury ; Hypothermia ; Skin disorders related to drug sensitivity ; Drug reactions ; Erythema multiforme ; Erythema multiforme exudativum (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) ; Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell disease) ; Miscellaneous and congenital skin problems ; Neurofibromatosis ; Bites and stings ; Arthropod bites and stings ; Mammal bites ; Snakebites ; Dental disorders ; Dental caries ; Periodontal disease ; Malocclusion ; Trauma ; Disorders of continence ; Enuresis ; Encopresis ; Disorders with behavioral components ; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ; Learning disability ; Tic disorders ; Tourette syndrome ; Posttraumatic stress disorder ; School phobia ; Recurrent and functional abdominal pain ; Conversion reaction ; Childhood depression ; Childhood schizophrenia. Unit VII. Family-centered care of the adolescent. 19. Health promotion of the adolescent and family / Elizabeth M. Saewyc : Promoting optimum growth and development ; Biologic development ; Cognitive development ; Development of value autonomy ; Psychosocial development ; Social environments ; Promoting optimum health during adolescence ; Adolescents' perspectives on health ; Factors that promote adolescent health and well-being ; Health concerns of adolescence ; Health promotion among special groups of adolescents ; Nursing care management
      20. Physical health problems of adolescence / Linda M. Kollar : Common health concerns of adolescence ; Acne ; Vision changes ; Health problems of the male reproductive system ; Penile problems ; Testicular tumors ; Varicocele ; Epididymitis ; Testicular torsion ; Gynecomastia ; Health problems of the female reproductive system ; Gynecologic examination ; Menstrual disorders ; Endometriosis ; Premenstrual syndrome ; Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ; Vaginitis and vulvitis (vulvovaginitis) ; Health problems related to sexuality ; Adolescent pregnancy ; Adolescent abortion ; Contraception ; Rape ; Sexually transmitted sideases ; Other sexually transmitted genital infections
      21. Behavioral health problems of adolescence / Jamie Stang and Meg Bruening : Obesity ; Eating disorders ; Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa ; Substance abuse ; Overview ; Tobacco ; Alcohol ; Additional drugs ; Therapeutic management ; Nursing care management ; Suicide ; Incidence ; Factors associated with suicide risk ; Methods ; Precipitating factors ; Nursing care management. Unit VIII. Family-centered care of the child with special needs. 22. Family-centered care of the child with chronic illness or disability / Patricia Barry McElfresh and Tara Taneski Merck : Perspectives in the care of children with special needs ; Scope of the problem ; Trends in care ; Cultural issues ; Impact of chronic illness or disability on the child ; Promoting normal development ; Helping the child cope ; The family of the child with special needs ; Assessing family strengths and adjustment ; Accepting the child's condition and receiving support at the time of diagnosis ; Managing the condition on an ongoing basis ; Meeting the child's normal developmental needs ; Meeting developmental needs of other family members ; Coping with ongoing stress and periodic crises ; Assisting family members in managing their feelings ; Establishing a support system
      23. Family-centered end-of-life care / Angela M. Ethier : Palliative care in childhood terminal illness ; Scope of the problem ; Principles of palliative care ; Decision making at the end of life ; Awareness of dying in children with life-threatening illness ; Children's understanding of and reactions to dying ; Delivery of palliative care services ; Nursing care of the child and family at the end of life ; Management of pain and suffering ; Parents' and siblings' need for education and support through the caregiving process ; Care at the time of death ; Postmortem care ; Care of the family experiencing unexpected childhood death ; Special decisions at the time of dying and death ; Right to die and do not resuscitate orders ; Viewing of the body ; Organ or tissue donation and autopsy ; Siblings' attendance at funeral services ; Care of the grieving family ; Grief ; Mourning ; Bereavement programs ; The nurse and the child with life-threatening illness ; Nurses' reactions to caring for children with life-threatening illnesses ; Coping with stress
      24. The child with cognitive, sensory, or communication impairment / Rosalind Bryant : Cognitive impairment ; General concepts ; Nursing care of children with cognitive impairment ; Down syndrome ; Fragile X syndrome ; Sensory impairment ; Hearing impairment ; Visual impairment ; Hearing-visual impairment ; Communication impairment ; General concepts ; Nonspeech communication ; Autistic spectrum disorders (autism) ; Nursing care of children with communication impairment
      25. Family-centered home care / David Wilson : General concepts of home care ; Home care trends ; Effective home care ; Discharge planning and selection of a home care agency ; Care coordination (case management) ; Role of the nurse, training, and standards of care ; Family-centered home care ; Diversity in home care ; Parent-professional collaboration ; The nursing process ; Promotion of optimum development, self-care, and education ; Safety issues in the home ; Family-to-family support. Unit IX. The child who is hospitalized. 26. Family-centered care of the child during illness and hospitalization / Jennifer Sanders : What is family centered care? ; Stressors of hospitalization and children's reactions ; Separation anxiety ; Loss of control ; Bodily injury and pain ; Effects of hospitalization on the child ; Stressors and reactions of the family of the child who is hospitalized ; Parental reactions ; Sibling reactions ; Altered family roles ; Nursing care of the child who is hospitalized ; Preventing or minimizing separation ; Minimizing loss of control and autonomy ; Preventing or minimizing fear of bodily injury ; Providing developmentally appropriate activities ; Using play and expressive activities to minimize stress ; Maximizing potential benefits of hospitalization ; Supporting family members ; Preparation for hospitalization ; Guidelines in preparing for hospitalization ; Hospital admission procedure ; Nursing care during special hospital situations ; Discharge planning and home care
      27. Pediatric variations of nursing interventions / Terri L. Brown : General concepts related to pediatric procedures ; Informed consent ; Preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures ; Surgical procedures ; Compliance ; General hygiene and care ; Maintaining healthy skin ; Bathing ; Oral hygiene ; Hair care ; Feeding the sick child ; Controlling elevated temperatures ; Family teaching and home care ; Safety ; Environmental factors ; Infection control ; Transporting infants and children ; Restraining methods and therapeutic holding ; Positioning for procedures ; Femoral venipuncture ; Extremity venipuncture ; Lumbar puncture ; Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy ; Collection of specimens ; Urine specimens ; Stool specimens ; Blood specimens ; Respiratory secretion specimens ; Administration of medication ; Determination of drug dosage ; Oral administration ; Intramuscular administration ; Subcutaneous and intradermal administration ; Intravenous administration ; Nasogastric, orogastric, or gastrostomy administration ; Rectal administration ; Optic, otic, and nasal administration ; Family teaching and home care ; Alternative feeding techniques ; Gavage feeding ; Gastrostomy feeding ; Nasoduodenal and nasojejunal tubes ; Total parenteral nutrition ; Family teaching and home care ; Procedures related to elimination ; Enema ; Ostomies ; Family teaching and home care. Unit X. The child with disturbance of fluid and electrolytes. 28. Balance and imbalance of body fluids / David Wilson : Distribution of body fluids ; Water balance ; Disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance ; Dehydration ; Water intoxication ; Edema ; Disturbances of acid-base balance ; Acid-base imbalance ; Respiratory acidosis ; Respiratory alkalosis ; Metabolic acidosis ; Metabolic alkalosis ; Nursing responsibilities in fluid and electrolyte disturbances ; Assessment ; Oral fluid intake ; Parenteral fluid therapy ; Venous access devices ; Total parenteral nutrition and total nutrient admixture
      29. Conditions that produce fluid and electrolyte imbalance / Rose Ann Urdiales Baker, Mary A. Mondozzi, and Marilyn J. Hockenberry : Gastrointestinal disorders ; Diarrhea ; Vomiting ; Shock states ; Shock ; Septic shock ; Anaphylaxis ; Toxic shock syndrome ; Burns ; Overview ; Burn wound characteristics ; Pathophysiology ; Therapeutic managment ; Nursing care managment ; Future research needs
      30. The child with renal dysfunction / Barbara Montagnino and Patricia A. Ring : Renal structure and function ; Renal physiology ; Renal pelvis and ureters: structure and function ; Urethrovesical unit: structure and function ; Genitourinary tract disorders ; Urinary tract infection ; Vesicoureteral reflux ; Glomerular disease ; Acute glomerulonephritis ; Chronic or progressive glomerulonephritis ; Nephrotic syndrome ; Renal tubular disorders ; Tubular function ; Renal tubular acidosis ; Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus ; Miscellaneous renal disorders ; Hemolytic uremic syndrome ; Familial nephritis (Alport syndrome) ; Unexplained proteinuria ; Renal trauma ; Renal failure ; Acute renal failure ; Chronic renal failure ; Renal replacement therapy ; Hemodialysis ; Peritoneal dialysis ; Continuous venovenous hemofiltration ; Trapnsplantation. Unit XI. The child with problems related to the transfer of oxygen and nutrients. 31. The child with disturbance of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange / David Wilson : Respiratory tract structure and function ; Structure ; Function ; Assessment of respiratory function ; Physical assessment ; Diagnostic procedures ; Respiratory therapy ; Oxygen therapy ; Aerosol therapy ; Bronchial (postural) drainage ; Mechanical ventilation ; Tracheostomy ; Respiratory emergency ; Respiratory failure ; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ; Airway obstruction
      32. The child with respiratory dysfunction / David Wilson : General aspects of respiratory infections ; Etiology and characteristics ; Clinical manifestations ; Nursing care of the child with a respiratory tract infection ; Upper respiratory tract infections ; Acute viral nasopharyngitis ; Acute streptococcal pharyngitis ; Tonsillitis ; Infectious mononucleosis ; Influenza ; Otitis media ; Otitis externa ; Croup syndromes ; Acute epiglottitis ; Acute laryngitis ; Acute laryngotracheobronchitis ; Acute spasmodic laryngitis ; Bacterial tracheitis ; Infections of the lower airways ; Bronchitis ; Respiratory syncytial virus and bronchiolitis ; Pneumonia ; Viral pneumonia ; Primary atypical pneumonia ; Bacterial pneumonia ; Chlamydial pneumonia ; Other infections of the respiratory tract ; Pertussis (whooping cough) ; Tuberculosis ; Respiratory disturbance caused by noninfectious irritants ; Foreign body ingestion and aspiration ; Foreign body in the nose ; Aspiration pneumonia ; Acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury ; Smoke inhalation injury ; Environmental tobacco smoke exposure ; Long-term respiratory dysfunction ; Allergic rhinitis ; Asthma ; Cystic fibrosis ; Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
      33. The child with gastrointestinal dysfunction / Marilyn J. Hockenberry : Gastrointestinal structure and function ; Development of the gastrointestinal tract ; Digestion ; Absorption ; Assessment of gastrointestinal function ; Ingestion of foreign substances ; Pica ; Foreign bodies ; Disorders of motility ; Constipation ; Hirschsprung disease (congenital aganglionic megacolon) ; Gastroesophageal reflux ; Irritable bowel syndrome ; Inflammatory conditions ; Acute appendicitis ; Meckel diverticulum ; Inflammatory bowel disease ; Peptic ulcer disease ; Obstructive disorders ; Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis ; Intussusception ; Malrotation and volvulus ; Malabsorption syndromes ; Celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) ; Short-bowel syndrome ; Gastrointestinal bleeding ; Hepatic disorders ; Acute hepatitis ; Cirrhosis. Unit XII. The child with problems related to production and circulation of blood. 34. The child with cardiovascular dysfunction / Amy Delaney, Margaret L. Schroeder, and Annette Baker : Cardiac structure and function ; Cardiac development and function ; Assessment of cardiac function ; Tests of cardiac function ; Congenital heart disease ; Altered hemodynamics ; Clinical consequences of congenital heart disease ; Heart failure ; Hypoxemia ; Altered hemodynamics ; Classification of congenital heart defects ; Defects with increased pulmonary blood flow ; Obstructive defects ; Defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow ; Mixed defects ; Nursing care of the child with congenital heart disease and his or her family ; Acquired cardiovascular disorders ; Bacterial (infective) endocarditis ; Rheumatic fever ; Kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) ; Systemic hypertension ; Hyperlipidemia (hypercholesterolemia) ; Cardiac dysrhythmias ; Pulmonary artery hypertension ; Cardiomyopathy ; Heart transplantation
      35. The child with hematologic or immunologic dysfunction / Rosalind Bryant : The hematologic system and its function ; Origin of formed elements ; Assessment of hematologic function ; Red blood cell disorders ; Anemia ; Blood transfusion therapy ; Anemia caused by nutritional deficiencies ; Iron deficiency anemia ; Anemias caused by increased destruction of red blood cells ; Hereditary spherocytosis ; Sickle cell anemia ; ss-Thalassemia ; Anemias caused by impaired or decreased production of red blood cells ; Aplastic anemia ; Defects in hemostasis ; Mechanisms involved in normal hemostasis ; Hemophilia ; von Willebrand disease ; Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ; Disseminated intravascular coagulation ; Other hematologic disorders ; Neutropenia ; Henoch-Schönlein purpura ; Immunologic deficiency disorders ; Mechanisms involved in immunity ; Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ; Severe combined immunodeficiency disease. Unit XIII. The child with disturbance of regulatory mechanisms. 36. The child with cancer / Valerie J. Groben : Cancer in children ; Epidemiology ; Etiology ; Diagnostic evaluation ; Treatment modalities ; Complications of therapy ; Nursing care management ; Signs and symptoms of cancer in children ; Managing side effects of treatment ; Nursing care during bone marrow transplantation ; Preparation for procedures ; Pain management ; Health promotion ; Family education ; Cessation of therapy ; Cancers of the blood and lymph systems ; Leukemias ; Lymphomas ; Nervous system tumors ; Brain tumors ; Neuroblastoma ; Bone tumors ; General considerations ; Osteosarcoma ; Ewing sarcoma (primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the bone) ; Other solid tumors ; Wilms tumor ; Rhabdomyosarcoma ; Retinoblastoma ; Germ cell tumors ; Liver tumors ; The childhood cancer survivor
      37. The child with cerebral dysfunction / Rebecca J. Schultz and Marilyn J. Hockenberry : Cerebral structure and function ; Development of the neurologic system ; Central nervous system ; Increased intracranial pressure ; Evaluation of neurologic status ; Assessment: general aspects ; Altered states of consciousness ; Neurologic examination ; Special diagnostic procedures ; The child with cerebral compromise ; Nursing care of the unconscious child ; Head injury ; Submersion injury ; Intracranial infections ; Bacterial meningitis ; Nonbacterial (aseptic) meningitis ; Tuberculous meningitis ; Brain abscess ; Encephalitis ; Rabies ; Reye syndrome ; Human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy ; Seizures and epilepsy ; Epilepsy ; Febrile seizures ; Headache ; Assessment ; Migraine headache
      38. The child with endocrine dysfunction / Elizabeth Record, Linda Ballard, and Amy Barry : The endocrine system ; Hormones ; Neuroendocrine interrelationships ; Disorders of pituitary function ; Hypopituitarism ; Pituitary hyperfunction ; Precocious puberty ; Diabetes insipidus ; Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone ; Disorders of thyroid function ; Juvenile hypothyroidism ; Goiter ; Lymphocytic thyroiditis ; Hyperthyroidism ; Disorders of parathyroid function ; Hypoparathyroidism ; Hyperparathyroidism ; Disorders of adrenal function ; Adrenal hormones ; Acute adrenocortical insufficiency ; Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison disease) ; Cushing syndrome ; Congenital adrenal hyperplasia ; Hyperaldosteronism ; Pheochromocytoma ; Disorders of pancreatic hormone secretion ; Diabetes mellitus. Unit XIV. The child with a problem that interferes with physical mobility. 39. The child with musculoskeletal or articular dysfunction / David Wilson and Martha Curry : The child and trauma ; Trauma management ; Assessment of trauma ; The immobilized child ; Immobilization ; Mobilization devices ; The child with a fracture ; Fractures ; The child in a cast ; The child in traction ; Distraction ; External fixation ; Internal fixation ; Fracture complications ; Amputation ; Injuries and health problems related to sports participation ; Preparation for sports ; Types of injury ; Contusions ; Dislocations ; Sprains and strains ; Overuse injury ; Exercise-induced heat stress ; Health concerns associated with sports ; Nurse's role in children's sports ; Musculoskeletal dysfunction ; Torticollis ; Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease ; Slipped capital femoral epiphysis ; Kyphosis and lordosis ; Idiopathic scoliosis ; Orthopedic infections ; Osteomyelitis ; Septic arthritis ; Skeletal tuberculosis ; Skeletal and articular dysfunction ; Osteogenesis imperfecta ; Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (juvenile idiopathic arthritis) ; Systemic lupus erythematosus
      40. The child with neuromuscular or muscular dysfunction / David Wilson : Neuromuscular dysfunction ; Classification and diagnosis ; Cerebral palsy ; Hypotonia ; Infantile spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease); Juvenile spinal muscular atrophy (Kugelberg-Welander disease) ; Guillain-Barré syndrome (infectious polyneuritis) ; Tetanus ; Botulism ; Myasthenia gravis ; Spinal cord injuries ; Essential neuromuscular physiology ; Muscular dysfunction ; Juvenile dermatomyositis ; Muscular dystrophies ; Duchenne (pseudohypertrophic) muscular dystrophy. Appendixes: A. Developmental/sensory assessment ; B. Growth measurements ; C. Common laboratory tests ; D. Translations of Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale.
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